For President... OMOJAY, SAB and SHOLABOUR
Not everyone knows the aspirants, here is an opportunity (interview) to know them and listen to them one on one.
OV: Good day Comrade Can we meet you?
OV: What are your ambitions, if you emerge as the Student Union President?
Comrade Omojay: My ambitions are very clear and straight forward, I have four (4) major agendas; to start with is the issue of Security, secondly-Academic uplift, third- is transportation and the forth is the tuition fee (high and illegal fees)
OV: How do you tend to achieve all these?
Comrade Omojay: Thank you, firstly in the issue of Security, knowing fully well that the first and the most paramount thing of a leader is security of his citizens. I want adequate security for OOUITES in all campuses (Ayetoro, Ikenne, Sagamu, Permanent Site, Mini campus, Ibogun) and the community that is why I want to come on board to enhance maximum security for the students, to stop illegal arrest of students because there are situations where police disturb people and accusing them of stolen products asking them to produce the receipt for blackberry, phones and detaining people illegally accusing them of being yahoo boys, asking for money to grant them bail, all these will have to stop.
Academic Uplift- I will ensure I put in place a workable and stable academic timetable, I will do my possible best to uplift the name of the school which have been battered in term of academics because so many people have casted a slur on the legacy of the school, the bright image needs to be brought back. I will achieve this by organizing free seminars and symposiums for students, inviting notable and influential people to the school to elevate the minds and impact in the lives of students, also I will make sure academicians will be recognized in the school given prizes and awards to the best students of each departments at the end of every semester courtesy Student Union Government (SUG) with this other students will be inspired to study more to come out the best. Another is organizing departmental quiz and debates competition every last week of the month with this it will enhance students reading habit.
Transportation- When I entered this great citadel of learning, 2007 to be precise, the price of transport fare from permanent site to mini campus was 10 Naira, I see no reason why we can’t go back to what we had before. In spite of the increase in pump price it shouldn’t be too expensive, there are some students who spend more than 5000 Naira per month on transport alone which is not good. During my administration I will ensure my government will make student comfortable in term of transportation, we will get new buses and try as much as possible to repair the school buses which have been lying down for a long time, funds will be raised by organizations and cooperate bodies via cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Tuition fee- What I stand for is a justifiable tuition fee at all levels, I will stamp my feet to the ground and make sure all illegal fees will be stopped also the issue of task clearance will be a thing of the past, because a situation whereby a student of Ondo State will be forced to pay tax to Ogun state. I have other agendas at hand but these are the major once.
OV: In OOU there are problems facing the school such as General Nigeria Studies (GNS), Missing scripts, mobilization, and the rest how can these problems be tackled
Comrade Omojay: On the issue of GNS, missing scripts and delay in the release of results, GNS is a General and elaborate course all the problems will be traced to too much work load and handling by a single body. GNS needs to be decentralized; each faculty should be the one coordinating this course and not by a single body. By God grace I will work across board to solve this problem and the issue of mobilization we are not really experiencing the best but I can assure OOUITES do that I will lobby and dialogue with the management to see how students will be mobilized on time
OV: what will be the first thing you will do if you emerge as the SUG President?
Comrade Omojay: The first thing I will do is to organize a thanksgiving service, then a general assembly of the students thanking them and to let the know how I will need their support. once in a while I will assemble students, I will let them voice out their view and opinion on how to move OOU forward, so many students have a lot of thing in the minds but do not have the opportunity to air them out, I will create avenue for that.
OV: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years?
Comrade Omojay: in the next five to ten years by God grace I should have done my second degree and my masters, I will be efficient in the society to contribute 100% to the development of our dear country Nigeria, Africa and the world at large.
OV: Comrade how would you rate OOU in term of Academics, Infrastructures and social activities?
Comrade Omojay: Academics which is a very important issue, outside OOU people see as uneducated, rascals, unserious elements nevertheless OOU Graduates are doing well, we have great leaders, CEO’s of companies, successful entrepreneurs from this great citadel of learning. Last year OOU won best in about four academic competition Medicine, Chemical science, Political science, law so I think OOU is trying but needs to do better in order to be at the top as best university in Nigeria and Africa, I will make sure I work across board, establish a good relationship between myself, my office ASUU, NASU to make sure these project of rebranding OOU is achieved. In term of social aspect, OOU is not as social as it used to be but with time it will be revived back.
Infrastructure is a problem OOU is suffering from, what we have Is decayed infrastructures, the library is in a state of comatose that needs proper surgery, the lecture theatres, laboratories, these are places where students study, when it rains it disturbs the atmosphere is not conducive for learning, but I will try my possible best to ensure that all these are adequately normalized.
OV: What prompted you to go for the post of the SUG President?
Comrade OMOJAY: I am in the shoes of the suffering and smiling OOUITES, the pains we have experienced for so long, missing scripts, infrastructures, transportation, illegal school fees, security, the course of rebranding OOU and many others made me to vie for the post.
Comrade OMOJAY: I am in the shoes of the suffering and smiling OOUITES, the pains we have experienced for so long, missing scripts, infrastructures, transportation, illegal school fees, security, the course of rebranding OOU and many others made me to vie for the post.
OV: Describe yourself in five words
Comrade Omojay: Down to earth, courageous, humble, intelligent, a democrat
OV: What will you love to be remembered for when you leave OOU?
Comrade Omojay: I will love to be remembered for good legacy, if I emerge I will love also love to be remembered for good governance and someone who have been able to make impact in the lives of OOUIITES.
OV: Final words to OOUITES
Comrade Omojay: I want we OOUITES to always see ourselves as one because when we are together we can do positive exploit. I am here to serve OOU for the better and the progress of OOU, I remain my humble self Omojay.
OV: Thank You very much for your time we wish you the best.
Comrade Omojay: You welcome, great work to this media more power to your elbow.
OOU VANGUARD: Good morning Comrade S.A.B please can we meet you?
Comrade S. A. B: Good morning, my name is Seun Akinwande Bright, aka S.A.B I am the student Social secretary and I am aspiring for the post of the SUG president, am a 400 level, Mass Communication student thank you.
Comrade S. A. B: I have lots of programs for our students, when i came onboard then as the social secretary, I did lots of things for our students I was able to organize talent hunt, lot of programs and events, we also took our students to MTN fun link concert where we had three OOUITES who went and one is been selected as the best singer in Ogun state, Best comedian in Ogun state and second best dancer in Ogun state so, for this new regime i have basic agenda as well which is mainly about the rebranding of the school, reduction of tuition fee, agitation for better transportation system, proper welfare package, student security, agitation for electricity, etc
OOU VANGUARD: You talked about you being the social director or immediate past social director of the students, can you please state an event that really captivated the whole of OOU during your tenure as the social director of OOU?
Comrade S. A. B: Yes not even one, we organized several events but let me mention like three to four events that was really captivating , awesome and everybody felt like wow we don't want it to end, we organized the mtn fun link concert which was an mtn for the whole of students in Ogun state we had to lobby to make sure that our students also participated in the event and we took them to Abeokuta after the auditioning here in the school at Finicky which all the artists participated and the students were the judge and they chose who and who is going to Abeokuta to represent them and the second day we took the students to Abeokuta to and fro without collecting a dime from them and luckily for us our students emerged as the best artist we also did an event with a media station in Lagos which is the event with Eko fm and DJ chaleshi which was tagged OOU media group and we brought about 15 artiste from the mega city of lagos down to Ago. We also organized the OOU SUG awards at Finicky and all our students came from various campuses to participate as well so, on the valentine’s day we also organized something for our students. I was able to do them and we are using the opportunity to tell students that the first time we did not fail them and this second time also we will never fail them, thank you.
OOU VANGUARD: How will you tackle the issue of transportation, school fees, G.N.S, mobilization and the rest problems affecting OOU if you emerge the SUG president of Olabisi Onabanjo University.
Comrade S. A. B: I have been telling people that OOU is a school with normal people but I am sorry to say that we have an administration that I won’t say is abnormal but it is a nonchalant kind of administration where people neglect what they are supposed to do, and another problem is the problem of shortage of staff, like the issue of registration students complain that they are seeing irregularities in their profile and these things are as the result of incompetency on the part of some staff because when something keeps repeating itself then it becomes something incompetent because some students go to admin to write letters and those letters will not be treated and we are going to make sure we pressurize the management to bring in more staff to the school so things will be done well. Not that the same person collating results will be the same person in charge of registration process so here there is need for division of labor that each of the staff will be assigned to a job.
On the issue of transportation it also needs urgent attention because we lost our buses due to lack of maintenance because we had three long buses which has been grounded and if the government can make sure they repair these buses it will reduce the rate at which we are suffering and it will reduce the fare students pay and if they cannot repair the three at once, they can repair two and when the two start to work, we will repair the third one we will also see how we can partner with big companies outside probably to get loan and then we pay installmentally.
OOU VANGUARD: If you emerge the OOU president, what is the first thing you will do?
Comrade S. A. B: Hmmmm! The first thing I am going to do is to have the meeting of all the faculty heads, stake holders, class reps and departmental excos wanting to know what is itching them and what they really want because I might be putting a different thing in mind to do for them and they might have a pressing need so by the time we know what the problem is we then act and I will make sure the General secretary will be taking down the minute for everything said so it will be in documentation and we can easily work on those things and whatever we all agree on will be the first thing that we will work on.
OOU VANGUARD: Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?
Comrade S. A. B: Wow, well… where I see myself in the next five years is a place where God wants me to be because man proposes, God disposes but I see myself as a successful politician that has done politics to the state level because I have passion for the people and I believe it is a God call, so then I see myself as an achiever in the next five to ten years.
OOU VANGUARD: How do you rate OOU in terms of education, socialization, infrastructure
Comrade S. A. B: Well, we are doing our best in terms of education even though we don't have good infrastructure and man power but our students are doing extra ordinarily at least we are coming out the best in quiz competitions
OOU VANGUARD: What is your greatest fear
Comrade S. A. B: My greatest fear is the fear of God because I believe whatever you are doing, if you have the fear of God in you, that is what have been keeping me because before I do something I think twice about it just because of the fear of God in me
OOU VANGUARD: Can you kindly describe yourself in five words
Comrade S. A. B: Confident, Bold, Responsible, Reliable, and Honest
OOU VANGUARD: What will you love to be remembered for when you leave OOU
Comrade S. A. B: I will want to be remembered as someone who has really sacrificed everything and transformed the system as an achiever, agitator, messiah of a renewed OOU and that is what I will love to be remembered for.
OOU VANGUARD: As the people say, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, so how do you relax after the hectic day in school?
Comrade S. A. B: My way of relaxing is, swimming and spending time with friends at my leisure hour, basically that's what I do.
OOU VANGUARD: What do you really have passion for?
Comrade S. A. B: I have passion for changes, I love to see a changed and transformed society, I will love to see PS road graded, I will love to see and hear that there are no more issues of missing scripts anymore, I will love to see students sleep with two eyes closed without fear of insecurity and I will love to see changes because I am also from Ogun state and whatever changes I make is as if I am just contributing to the development of my state, so what I want to see is a changed OOU, a changed Ogun state and a changed Nigeria, I want to see a renewed OOU and a changed society.
OOU VANGUARD: What prompted you to vie for the post of the president?
Comrade S. A. B: I want to restructure and rebrand the image of the school because I'm tired of the stigmatization on the path of OOU because of the bad image the school has gotten us.
OOU VANGUARD: Can you give OOUITES a final word or statement that they can keep brooding over or living with?
Comrade S.A.B: I want to implore OOUITES to be determined in whatever positive things they do, they should be focused and determined because tough times don't last, but though people do , and when you are been focused, definitely you will get there.
OOU VANGUARD: Thank you very much Comrade S.A.B it has been a wonderful time with you wishing you best of luck. Thank You
Comrade SAB: You welcome
Interview comes up shortly ...
Ariyo Naheem Adeola “ARIYO”

Interview with “HERITAGE "
Can We Meet You?

Can you give us a review of your past duties or post as a social leader or organizer.
Hmm! In OOU I was one of the organizer of “OOU Grammy Award” 2010, “OOU Carnival 2010” which brought Terry G to OOU, Fresher’s Award Night 2008/2009, Fresher’s Award 2010/2011 (they were both reviewed in the Nation Newspaper), part of the organizer of Sophomore Awards, I was part of the organizer of Miss Tourism Ogun State, I (Heritage Media) was the organizer of Microbiology Inoculation Award night 2011, and currently I am one of the organizer of Egba Youth Awards Ogun state, and some other I can’t fully remember.
To you, what does it takes to be a Social Director?
On a personal note what it take to be a Social director or leader is, firstly the person in question has to be social and friendly, the person needs to be dedicated to his work and also the person needs to listen to the voice of the people he or she is governing
Any Accolades or complements you have received as a Social Personal?

Why Should OOUITES vote you as the Social Secretary?
Why OOUITES should vote me as the Social Secretary is due to the fact that I have the ability and credibility, going by my past Social duties, events, accolades, complements, it is quite obvious that I am fit to hold the mantle, and they should believe in me.
If you become the Social Director what will be your core project?
I have lots of project lined out but my core project is “OOU Mega Carnival/OOU Inter-campus Jamboree”. I want to unleash this project because student in Ibogun, Ayetoro, Ikene, Sagamu are always complaining that we at Mini-campus and Permanent Site don’t carry them along. In the last four years the only event I can still say brought OOUITES from all campus together was “OOU Grammy Award/Carnival” which I was a part of.
Could you briefly explain what the “OOU Mega Carnival/Inter-campus Jamboree all about?
It is basically about bringing OOUITES together to celebrate, art and life, meeting students from other campuses in OOU, everyone on different costumes by several designers, top Nigerian artistes will be there to entertain; this is just a glimpse of what is all about.
What makes you Unique?
I am an idealist who makes these ideas become reality; I am down to earth, never proud, and passionate about what I do.
You contested last year but you did not win, why?
(Chuckles) Well, I would say I was not proved that was the reason why I was not approved, I think students needed me to prove myself better, by doing more social events for students for them to know my capability and since the last election till date I have proved with all reasonable doubt to be approved, going by my Social events in OOU, and since then till now I have been part of Five different social events both in OOU and Ogun state.
What is your intention to make OOU a socialize school?
My intention to make OOU a socialized school is to redeem that image that we are back on track I have the firm believe that OOU can become the best socialized institution in Nigeria and other institution will love to reckon with.
Aside from parties, Jamborees, Awards, Carnivals what else can you do to make OOU Social.
Thank you for that question “Social” in quote is not just parties; it is also a way of interacting, sharing ideas, meeting people. In my manifest and projects lined out, I have seminars I am working on which will feature the likes of Dele Momodu (Ovation Magazine), Seye Keyinde (City People Magazine) and the host of others.
If you eventually emerge what will be the first thing you will do?
WOW! Honestly speaking, firstly I will thank God especially because he was the one who had made it possible then start working on the projects.
Your Philosophy of life?
Every Man for Himself, God for All.
Words to OOUITES;
Personally, I won’t say I will do this, do that, I will bring Dbanj, Psquare, Akon, 2face, Chris Brown and at the end nothing but I will make sure I serve and fight for OOUITES socially and to make OOU a well socialized school, and all these will be achieved with the support of OOUITES by voting for Fayeun Bababtunde Heritage as the Social Secretary 2012.
Thank you for your time
You welcome...
Other aspirants comes up shortly
Other aspirants comes up shortly
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