Do You Know U can Use Your smart phone as internet modem?
On February 22, 2012 ·
,,,THESE days, more people, especially students and workers, including other professionals now prefer to use smart phones as broadband internet becomes more ubiquitous. Thus, it is becoming commonplace to see an upwardly mobile young professional with a smart phone, and a laptop with a modem for tasks that require more set-up than a smart phone would afford.
The point is, since you own a smart phone, you don’t have to buy a modem, and recharge both at the same time. For BlackBerry users, you can use your handset as a tethered modem to connect your laptop to the internet. First, you must install the BlackBerry Desktop Software version from and follow instructions.
When BlackBerry Desktop Software is installed, the drivers that allow the BlackBerry smartphone to communicate through the USB port and virtual communications port are installed. The standard modem that is used by Dial-up Networking (DUN) is also installed.
Set up an APN
The next thing you’ll to do is set up an access point name (APN), for your phone, if you are using a GSM carrier. It is advisable you get the APN from your service provider and store somewhere you can easily retrieve it, before you save.
The next thing you’ll to do is set up an access point name (APN), for your phone, if you are using a GSM carrier. It is advisable you get the APN from your service provider and store somewhere you can easily retrieve it, before you save.
On your laptop/desktop, click start, and go to Control Panel. There, double-click Phone and Modem Options. In the dialog box that opens, click the Modems tab, select Standard Modem and click Properties, and click Change Settings. In the Standard Modem Properties window, click the Advanced tab. In the Extra initialization commands field, type the device internet APN. In the Phone and Modem Options window, click OK.
Configure Dial-Up Networking (DUN)
Here, it gets a bit tricky, depending on the operating system of your PC, or whether it’s a Mac. The procedure for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or a Mac are all different. You will need specialist assistance to do this, or visit for specific instructions.
Here, it gets a bit tricky, depending on the operating system of your PC, or whether it’s a Mac. The procedure for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP or a Mac are all different. You will need specialist assistance to do this, or visit for specific instructions.
Connect to the Internet with DUN
Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer, using the USB cable. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, and verify that the BlackBerry Desktop Manager displays Connected. The BlackBerry smartphone must be identified by BlackBerry Desktop Manager in order for the modem to establish a connection.
After this, Click Start > Control Panel > Network Connections >Under network connections, type the name of the new connection you have set up. If your service provider Connect the BlackBerry smartphone to the computer, using the USB cable. Open the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, and verify that the BlackBerry Desktop Manager displays Connected. The BlackBerry smartphone must be identified by BlackBerry Desktop Manager in order for the modem to establish a connection.
3rd February 2012
By: Bamise Peter
Trust is said to be the belief that something or somebody is good, sincere, honest, etc.
In this world, everyone wants him/herself to be trusted without reciprocation. In a relationship there must be trust for it to last. Quote me anywhere without “Trust” a relationship will never stand. It is said that nobody is to be trusted due to the reason that Human beings are wicked, in spite of that there must be trust because without trust there is no love and without love there is no unity.
Today, Nigeria is in the state of coma, face with series of problems, because of what “TRUST” our leaders are not trust worthy. It has come to the state where the political leaders will want to implement certain things for the betterment of the Nation, but because of that stigma “Political leaders are not to be trusted” it annihilates the implementation of what will benefit the masses.
It might sound outrageous, but for the fact that these people are not to be trusted we must at least have little trust. I also wish to add that if you trust someone and the person turns out to betray you, you just have to let things go, it should just be like a carry-over course which will be re-taken, and by retaking it a suitable result might com out. We should not be thinking that human can and will never be trusted. To make a better nation where peace must rain then people must learn to trust one another. Fingers are not equal as they say, not all persons should not be trusted, and someone that can not be trusted can be given another opportunity in other to change, just like our great philosopher said the only constant thing in this world is change, its inevitable. Everybody must learn to trust others first if people should trust you.
So, I urge us to trust ourselves in spite of our differences. Trusting people and building a nation that will stand the test of time begins with each and every one of us, if the chain of trust should break then a strong nation will brake.
Am only talking to nation builders, if you feel you don’t give a dam if people do not trust you then you are making huge mistake and you are a burden to the nation which needs to be executed with immediate alacrity.
Feel free to send me a mail on
(57th Day of a Major Battle Between two Elephants)
31st January 2012
Comrade James Ogunjimi
“In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The unlearned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists” – Eric Hoffer
Today marks the 57th day since our higher institutions got closeddown. Today marks the 57th day since the incompetency and nonchalant attitude of our leaders threw a clog in the wheel of our academic progress. Today marks the 57th day of a major battle between two elephants, and as expected; the grass is suffering.
Since our leaders have decided that they would rather fill their pockets than spend for our education, I think it’s high time we started telling ourselves the truth. Since our leaders have decided that spending taxpayers’ money on watering presidential villa’s flowers is more important than spending on improving the quality of education in this country, I think we should start asking some important questions and start DEMANDING urgent answers.
Do our leaders see us as the leaders of tomorrow? Do our leaders care about this country? Do they care about the future of this country? Do they even know that some people have families who are waiting for them to graduate? Can they see the decline in our educational sector? Would they rather spend money on frivolities than on moulding the future of tomorrow’s leaders? How many of them have their children in our schools? Maybe that’s where the problem is.

When a government sees no problem with paying a councillor whose highest qualification is probably a Pry 6 certificate huge amount of money, [and his wife gets paid too],yet the same government thinks N18,000 minimum wage is too much to pay to people who have degrees, then we know there is a problem. When a president spends huge chunks of taxpayers’ money on feeding rather than improving our educational sector, then danger looms. When government sees nothing wrong in seeing thousands of youths on the streets; jobless and homeless,then the government needs to be called to order.
Maybe the problem lies with us. Maybe we are the problem. How? It’s simple; we’ve been too compliant. We’ve stuck too much to the rules. We’ve kept quiet in the face of injustice. We’ve left other people to fight our battles. We’ve sold ourselves out. But. . . . . .there is opportunity to right our wrongs.
Seneca said, “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.” We may have allowed the government to make fools of us in the past, but we have opportunity to set things straight.

We are fed up with sitting in a lecture theatre without the necessary conveniences. We are tired of having to pay huge amount of school fees and yet be cramped in an uncomfortable lecture room. We are tired of hearing that our lecturers haven’tbeen paid their salaries. We are tired of writing examinations on our feet. We are tired of spending 7 years for a 4-year course. We want a change. WE DEMAND FOR A CHANGE.
If we are to get the desired change, we can’t sit down idly; we need to speak up. We are not unaware that the voices that should speak up for us have probably been choked with cash. But the good thing is that they didn’t send you to the higher institution. They didn’t pay your fees. They won’t live your life for you; let’s rise up and say NO.
Remember the words of Felix Rohatyn, “The choice is between doing something and doing nothing, and doing nothing never gets you anywhere.”
Com James Ogunjimi CDHR Coordinator, Olabisi Onabanjo University Unit. 08134319591
21st January 2012
A motivational quote, titled 'BUILD YOUR TALENT'
''A man talent makes him real and special. If you build your talent and develop your brain you become a commodity that people will be hungry to buy. A man talent makes room and create way for him. People will not just want you because you're handsome, pretty or educated. They will make way and pay for your gift.
Education is not the key to success but only a platform to achievement. Your talent makes you 100% percent only if u make use of it. So, start making use of yours. It’s not too late because it’s not over until it’s over''
its over''

.... Seconds may be too hard to get when wasted, minutes may seems not approaching when you are in a hurry, hours may be crawling like snail, days may do their worst, weeks may be too wicked, months may b as if it will never end. But before you know a year has come. ask yourself, what have i gain. Money wasted could be regained but time wasted would never b regained. Don’t scratch your time for it will revenge…
''Study while others are sleeping,work while others are loafing,prepare while others are wishing for there is no time like the present and no present like time for those who takes 'advantage' of this,gets this 'advantage' in the whole world''. Here is anoda 1 titled TIME FACTOR.... Seconds may be too hard to get when wasted, minutes may seems not approaching when you are in a hurry, hours may be crawling like snail, days may do their worst,weeks may be too wicked, months may b as if it will never end. But before you know a year has come.ask yourself, what have i gain. Money wasted could be regained but time wasted would never b regained.dont scratch your time for it will revenge''
.. I am Adesola Rophyat Bakare (OOUITE), a motivational speaker with a fan page on facebook.. Join me on MOTIVATIONAL FORUM on facebook.. feel free to send me a mail on … .. thank you..
Life! Life is like a drama, the director is GOD. U can only succeed in life if u do wat pleases GOD just like a cast must do wat d director instructs him or her to do. Ur level of seriousness in life in addition to ur commitment to the word of GOD goes a long way in how successful you will be, so also, in drama, u must be serious and listen to d words of the director. Each individual in life is directly or indirectly an actor. Life is for actors. Act wisely!
Jide George.. Jhendoor.