26th August 2012 (Email: oouvanguard@gmail.com)
24th June 2012

LIKES: ...Honesty
DISLIKES:...Lies, Cheating, gossiping RelationshipStatus: ...Single
DOB:... 28th December 198x
Best Moment: it’s yet to come
Philosophy of Life: ...Morality is the greatest value any human can posses
If you are to change something in Nigeria what will that be?
The corrupt system, Orientating the Youths because they are the leaders of tomorrow
If you are to change something in OOU what would that be.?
I will start with my faculty (LAW) the faculty do not have Law student association, no one is there to fight for us unlike other departments and faculties, like NASS, NAPS, NAMS, FASA and others. There are lots of things going on in the faculty which needs to be looked at but no association to fight for the students. Also in OOU as a whole the strikes, ineffective transport system, stress, and also school fees.
How do you see yourself in the next five years?
By God grace I should be a barrister by then and also married.
Advise to young once:
Stay focus, do the right things at the right time, and hold on to God.
Thank You very Much for your time: You welcome Anytime.
27th MAY 2012

Name: Docas Edora
Depertment: Microbiology
DOB: 5th September 19**
Hobby: Volleyball $ Table Tennis
Best Food: Beans $ Fried Plantain
Relationship Status: Single
Philosophy Of Life: Never leave people who add value to your Lives
Best colour: White and Purple
Question of the Week: What one thing you will like to change about OOU
Answer: The Timing, To Stop Wasting students time.. Instead of spending five, six years in a four year course, it need to be as stipulated " The Four should the Four".. We aren't getting any younger.
Question 2: One thing you will like to change about yourself?
Answer:I believe and know I am beautifully made by God, I want to be Myself but just to add more value to my life academically and to be full of wisdom
Damex .........................................................................
24th June 2012

LIKES: ...Honesty
DISLIKES:...Lies, Cheating, gossiping RelationshipStatus: ...Single
DOB:... 28th December 198x
Best Moment: it’s yet to come
Philosophy of Life: ...Morality is the greatest value any human can posses
If you are to change something in Nigeria what will that be?
The corrupt system, Orientating the Youths because they are the leaders of tomorrow
If you are to change something in OOU what would that be.?
I will start with my faculty (LAW) the faculty do not have Law student association, no one is there to fight for us unlike other departments and faculties, like NASS, NAPS, NAMS, FASA and others. There are lots of things going on in the faculty which needs to be looked at but no association to fight for the students. Also in OOU as a whole the strikes, ineffective transport system, stress, and also school fees.
How do you see yourself in the next five years?
By God grace I should be a barrister by then and also married.
Advise to young once:
Stay focus, do the right things at the right time, and hold on to God.
Thank You very Much for your time: You welcome Anytime.
27th MAY 2012

Depertment: Microbiology
DOB: 5th September 19**
Hobby: Volleyball $ Table Tennis
Best Food: Beans $ Fried Plantain
Relationship Status: Single
Philosophy Of Life: Never leave people who add value to your Lives
Best colour: White and Purple
Question of the Week: What one thing you will like to change about OOU
Answer: The Timing, To Stop Wasting students time.. Instead of spending five, six years in a four year course, it need to be as stipulated " The Four should the Four".. We aren't getting any younger.
Question 2: One thing you will like to change about yourself?
Answer:I believe and know I am beautifully made by God, I want to be Myself but just to add more value to my life academically and to be full of wisdom
Damilola Orebanjo,
Mass communication,
Likes: Making Friend, gisting
Dislike: gossip lying and stealing
What do you think can be done to make OOU a world renowned institution?
What I think can be done is by praying for the school, building hostels for students, quality infrastructures and lecturers and finally stop corruption.
What is your Philosophy of life.. live your life each day in seeing to the needs of others, and be sincere with your dealings
As the “”FACE OF THE WEEK” what advise will you give to freshers: the freshers to keep themselves by facing what they are there to do and not follow bad friends(gangs) that will corrupt them so at the end they can come out in flying colours
5th Febuary 2012
Ogunbanwo oluwakemi
Height 5,7”
Department: Microbiology
o Likes :interacting with people,cookin, watching movies
o Dislikes:-cheating and lies.
o Best moment: The day I got admission into OOU
o Worst moment: When my 1st jamb result was woeful
o Best colour-pink and white,
o Best food-Amala with vegetable soup(eforiro)
… Would you like to be born rich, intelligent or beautiful? With your answer, why?
I rather be born intelligent, because once am intelligent I can do great exploit and also be beautiful if not outwards but inwards
What it the greatest gift you can to someone you love?
Hmm.. The greatest gift I can give someone I love is my HEART
How do you rate or see OOU in the next ten years?
In the next ten years, I see OOU as one of the best higher institution not just in Africa but in the World
My advice to the freshers is to stay focused and to have confidence in themselves and also to be prayerful. Thank You
29th January 2012
Dept: Biochemistry (OOU)

Height: 5ft 9”
Statistics: 34, 28, 36
Likes: Decency
Dislikes: Lying, gossip
Hobbies: Dancing, Travelling,
Love to hang out with friends..
.. Q/A... If you are to change one thing about yourself what would that be.??
.. I am perfectly made by God so, I dont think I would like to change anything but, I will like to improve in what I do and make my life better.
Philosophy of Life: Dont try to imitate someone else, Just be yourself..
..As the "Face of the Week" what would you love to say to OOUITES..
..I Love OOU.. For real.. I love OOUITE they are wonderful people..